Represents the system properties of a chemical flow system.
Value parameters
- activities
A list of activities for species or components.
- activityCoefficients
A list of activity coefficients for species or components.
- chemicalPotentials
A list of chemical potential energies for species or components.
- elementAmounts
A list of element amounts in the system.
- generalProperties
A map of general properties with their corresponding values and units.
- lnActivities
A list of natural-log-scaled activities for species or components.
- logActivities
A list of log-scaled activities for species or components.
- moleFractions
A list of mole fractions for species or components.
- speciesAmounts
A list of species amounts in the system.
- standardEnthalpies
A list of standard enthalpies for species or components.
- standardEntropies
A list of standard entropies for species or components.
- standardGibbsEnergies
A list of standard Gibbs free energies for species or components.
- standardHeatCapacitiesP
A list of standard heat capacities at constant pressure.
- standardHeatCapacitiesV
A list of standard heat capacities at constant volume.
- standardHelmholtzEnergies
A list of standard Helmholtz free energies for species or components.
- standardInternalEnergies
A list of standard internal energies for species or components.
- standardVolumes
A list of standard volumes for species or components.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- SystemProps.scala
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any